transfer - определение. Что такое transfer
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Что (кто) такое transfer - определение

Xfer; XFER; Transfers; Transfer (disambiguation); Transfer (film)

Getting off yor butt and going somwhere else. Used by posh, well-off people.
Class, we're going to transfer down to room 22.
¦ verb trans'f?: tr?:ns-, -nz- (transfers, transferring, transferred)
1. move from one place to another.
2. move to another department, occupation, team, etc.
redirect (a telephone call) to a new line or extension.
3. change to another place, route, or means of transport during a journey.
4. make over the possession of (property, a right, or a responsibility) to another.
5. [usu. as adjective transferred] change (the sense of a word or phrase) by extension or metaphor.
¦ noun 'transf?:, 'tr?:ns-, -nz-
1. an act of transferring.
2. Brit. a small coloured picture or design on paper, which can be transferred to another surface by being pressed or heated.
3. N. Amer. a ticket allowing a passenger to change from one public transport vehicle to another as part of a single journey.
transferability noun
transferable adjective
transferee noun
transferor noun (chiefly Law).
transferral noun
transferrer noun
ME: from Fr. transferer or L. transferre, from trans- 'across' + ferre 'to bear'.
act of transferring
1) to make a transfer
2) an electronic; technology transfer
3) a transfer from; to
ticket allowing a passenger to change from one vehicle to another on public transportation
(esp. AE)
4) a bus; streetcar; subway transfer
v. (D; intr., tr.) to transfer from; to (she was transferred from New York to Toronto)



Transfer may refer to:

Примеры произношения для transfer
1. transfer.
Walkaway & the Collapsing Empire _ Cory Doctorow & John Scalzi _ Talks at Google
2. transfer.
The Rare Find _ George Anders _ Talks at Google
3. transfer.
Celebrating Lunar New Year _ Chef Martin Yan & Guests _ Talks at Google
4. transfer-to-transfer development rights
5. pound transfer.
Guide to Football Contracts _ Daniel Geey _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для transfer
1. Tax agent liability arises with regard to unlawful failure to transfer tax (or incomplete transfer of tax) that is subject to withholding and transfer by the tax agent.
2. Maximum amount of transfer (sending) per day is SR100, while minimum amount of transfer (sending) per transaction is SR5.
3. "The transfer of Mascherano and Tévez is a permanent transfer for an undisclosed price and undisclosed terms.
4. He added: "There must be an audit of the proportion of the transfers in each transfer in each transfer window.
5. If the recipient refuses to sign the transfer, the funds are returned to the sender, minus transfer fees.